
Uncharted 3 game over
Uncharted 3 game over

uncharted 3 game over

THR: How do you think this book and the digital version with its videos might shed light into what goes on in the performance capture space for games today? PHOTOS: THR’s Award Season Roundtable Series: Animation

uncharted 3 game over

It gives the story and what’s happening to you the feeling that it’s a game. Because Naughty Dog relies on their facial team to hand animate the faces of each game character and they do such a remarkable job, I think you can be more realistic with your acting. It becomes weird like it did in The Polar Express, where the eyes seem so realistic, and yet you know it’s animated. There’s something known as the Uncanny Valley where things look a little too real and you’re not quite sure what you’re looking at. And movies like TinTin are using it, as well. I know a lot of games have been going to the facial capture. North: That’s one thing I like about how Naughty Dog makes these games. THR: Why hasn’t Naughty Dog employed facial capture yet? The tailor from Avatar made all the actors custom suits. I would say we’re much more comfortable with our characters, but the mo-cap became a little more advanced. The third one, Sony actually built us a soundstage on their Culver Studios lot.

uncharted 3 game over

For the first game we didn’t capture the voice at the same time we did that on the second one. North: In terms of the technology, I think it’s always progressing. THR: How have you seen performance capture advance from the first game you did to this last game? PHOTOS: 10 Top Summer Superheroes Of All Time: Battle of Box Office Brawn They’re working hard, and I’ve got to keep making it the best it can be.” It ends up being this brilliant game. That spills over onto the mo-cap stage, so now every actor’s thinking, “I’ve got to step up my game. That collaboration, that self-motivated attention to detail, is what it is. Their big quote is, “Go make it awesome.” They just trust in their employees. North: The co-presidents, Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra, work just as hard as their employees do. THR: What stood out to you about how Los Angeles-based Naughty Dog created the Uncharted games? North: There was a time when all the actors were saying, “We should get residuals on videogames.” I just kept going, “You don’t have any idea what goes into making a game, do you?” THR: What do you think Hollywood might learn about how games are made from this book? Nolan North: My goal was to just really highlight what we do and how we do it, but then the personalities, stories, little quirks and funny antidotes that happen during the process. The Hollywood Reporter: What were you trying to accomplish with your first Uncharted book?

Uncharted 3 game over